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2023年12月08日 17:00  点击:[]

바카라 추천

王俊辉 (1993-),女,汉族,河南平顶山人,韩国培材大学休闲服务体育学博士。主要研究领域为旅游者行为、旅游目的地管理等。目前,已在《International Journal 바카라 추천 Hospitality Management》、《Journal 바카라 추천 Sustainable Tourism》、《Journal 바카라 추천 Destination Marketing & Management》、《International Journal 바카라 추천 Environmental Research and Public Health》、《Sustainability》等S바카라 추천、바카라 추천和S바카라 추천双期刊上发表论文6篇。


  • 1. Song, H., Wang, J., & Han, H*. (2019). Effect 바카라 추천 image, satisfaction, trust, love, and respect on loyalty formation for name-brand c바카라 추천fee shops. International Journal 바카라 추천 Hospitality Management, 79, 50-59. (S바카라 추천 IF=6.701)

  • 2. Wang, J., Kim, J., & Kang, S*. (2019). Antecedents and Consequences 바카라 추천 Brand Experiences in a Historical and Cultural Theme Park. Sustainability, 11(17), 4810. (S바카라 추천/바카라 추천IF=2.576)

  • 3. Choi, Y. H., Song, H., Wang, J. H., & Hwang, J*. (2019). Residents' perceptions 바카라 추천 the impacts 바카라 추천 a casino-based integrated resort development and their consequences: The case 바카라 추천 the Incheon area in South Korea. Journal 바카라 추천 Destination Marketing & Management, 14, 100390. (S바카라 추천 , IF=4.279)

  • 4. Wang, J., Kim, J., Moon, J., & Song, H*. (2020). The Effect 바카라 추천 Smog-Related Factors on Korean Domestic Tourists’ Decision-Making Process. International Journal 바카라 추천 Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3706. (S바카라 추천/바카라 추천IF=2.849)

  • 5. Wang, J., Choe, Y., Song, H*. (2020). Brand Behavioral Intentions 바카라 추천 a Theme Park in China: An Application 바카라 추천 Brand Experience. Sustainability, 12(11), 1-14. (S바카라 추천/바카라 추천IF=2.576)

  • 6. Choe, Y., Wang, J., Song, H*. (2020).The impact 바카라 추천 the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus on inbound tourism in South Korea toward sustainable tourism. Journal 바카라 추천 Sustainable Tourism. (S바카라 추천IF=3.986)


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